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Encounters with Canada:

I spent one of the coolest week (March 5 to March 11) doing Encounters with Canada in Ottawa recently. It was cool only because I gotta miss school - NOT!! To all you Encounters people out there, you're the best. I have never met such a huge group of friendly and smart people in so short a time. And all the places we saw, all the workshops we took, all the games we played - they've been awesome too. And hey, the caf food wasn't that bad at all. I know, I know, they don't have a vegetarian menu, but com'on, it could have been worse. And let's not forget the province skits and Variety Night, especially Louie crossdressing!

I included some snapshots and other stuff about the trip. If you have any idea, material or picture you'd like to add, send me an email, ok? =) Love you all.

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